The Quatermass Experiment. (1953)

Opening Moves
The Quatermass Experiment. (1953)
Quatermass II (1955)
Quatermass and The Pit (1958)
Quatermass (1979)
The Quatermass Memoirs (1996)
The Quatermass Experiment (2005)
Nigel Kneale 1922-2006
The Village of The Damned (1960)
A For Andromeda (1961)
The Andromeda Breakthrough (1962)
Children of The Damned (1963)
Doctor Who (1963-1969)
Timeslip (1970-71)
Timeslip : The Wrong End Of Time
Doomwatch. (1970-1972)
The Omega Factor (1979)
The Day of The Triffids (1981)
The Box Of Delights (1984)
Strange (2002/2003)
The Second Coming (2003)


6 x 30 Minutes  |  Black and White

18/07/53  Episode One: Contact Has Been Established
25/07/53  Episode Two: Persons Reported Missing
08/11/53  Episode Three: Very Special Knowledge
08/08/53  Episode Four: Believed to be Suffering
15/08/53  Episode Five: An Unidentified Species
22/08/53  Episode Six: State of Emergency
Only the first two episodes of
'The Quatermass Experiment'  are believed to exist, neither of which have been released.
The 1955 film version has been issued on DVD and video


Professor Bernard Quatermass................. Reginald Tate Judith Carroon ............................................Isabel Dean John Paterson.............................................. Hugh Kelly Victor Carroon....................................... Duncan Lamont James Fullalove.............................. Paul Whitsun-Jones

18 July 1953-22 August 1953

The Quatermass Experiment. BBC 1953


Novel, first publication in 1959
Nigel Kneale

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