A for Andromeda (1961) was the
BBC's first major adult
science fiction
production since the
three Quatermass
serials of
the 1950s. But unlike its
predecessors, it used the
then new
sciences of computing and
genetics, rather than the
established disciplines
of chemistry and archaeology,
to tell its story of an
alien threat to humanity.
this series starred the, then
unknown, British actress
Julie Christie
the sequel, and every bit as
good as, to A for Andromeda
however the part of Andromeda
is played by the British actress
Susan Hampshire, as the BBC
would not pay the required fee
to retain Julie Christie in the role
a personal journey by
Malcolm Baird. The son of the
inventor of television now has a
website including a few rare
pictures and
a number historical
articles relating to the early
days of British television
these are most definitely not
for children.
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required to read parts of this site.
Get it by clicking the below link)

two Ealing Ghost Stories.
from our
The Prospect Before Us
ATV. 1958 - 1959
the aim is to make this
a comprehensive
guide to the best cult science fiction
and fantasy programmes broadcast
on television

related internet links
the title says it all
the official web presence
of Hammer Films
now here's a treasure trove
is part of the
School of Physics and Astronomy
at the University of Manchester
in England
discover the bigger picture
now this has to be seen.
it does for television what
Steve Hill's pages do for film.
author of the novel
The Invisible Man
from our Walk Awhile website
author of , among others,
Day of The Triffids,
The Midwich Cuckoos
and The Kraken Wakes