Quatermass and The Pit (1958)

Opening Moves
The Quatermass Experiment. (1953)
Quatermass II (1955)
Quatermass and The Pit (1958)
Quatermass (1979)
The Quatermass Memoirs (1996)
The Quatermass Experiment (2005)
Nigel Kneale 1922-2006
The Village of The Damned (1960)
A For Andromeda (1961)
The Andromeda Breakthrough (1962)
Children of The Damned (1963)
Doctor Who (1963-1969)
Timeslip (1970-71)
Timeslip : The Wrong End Of Time
Doomwatch. (1970-1972)
The Omega Factor (1979)
The Day of The Triffids (1981)
The Box Of Delights (1984)
Strange (2002/2003)
The Second Coming (2003)

Quatermass and The Pit. Nigel Kneale (1960)

6 x 30 Minutes  |  Black and White

22/12/58  Episode One: The Halfmen
29/12/58  Episode Two: The Ghosts
05/01/59  Episode Three: Imps and Demons
12/01/59  Episode Four: The Enchanted
19/01/59  Episode Five: The Wild Hunt
26/01/59  Episode Six: Hob
An edited version of 'Quatermass and the Pit' has been released on
DVD and video.
The 1967 film version has been released on
DVD and video.


Quatermass............................................ Andre Morrell Dr. Matthew Roney ........................................Cec Linder Barbara Judd........................................... Christine Finn Colonel Breen ......................................Anthony Bushell Captain Potter.......................................... John Stratton Sergeant................................................ Michael Ripper Corporal Gibson.................................... Harold Goodwin Private West ..............................................John Walker James Fullalove.......................................... Brian Worth Sladden................................................... Richard Shaw

22 December 1958-26 January 1959

Quatermass And The Pit [click for larger image]

a synopsis at the
screenonline website,
from the British Film Institute

Quatermass and The Pit. BBC 1958

Scene from Quatermass And The Pit

dead martians.[click for larger image]

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